And since you're here.
I wanted to introduce an idea that has been floating around in my head for a while.
Substack offers a basic and easy-to-set-up subscription feature for their newsletters. While I wouldn't want to profit from what I do - celebrating artists and makers who create beautiful things - I have had the idea for a while now of using the platform's in-built feature for good.
From next month onwards, you'll have the option to sign up as a monthly or yearly donor to TEXTILE TALES. 100% of the money that comes in from the monthly subscriptions will be donated to a charity. Through the celebration of beautiful textile work, collated together into their fortnightly tales - for the price of a coffee and a slice of cake - some good happens in the world. It might cheer up somebody's day and offer support to someone in need.
The first charity that I'll be working with is The Refugee Council https://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk
I'm not putting a paywall on anything, I'll keep doing monthly send-outs for love. But for £6 a month, you will get the fortnightly dose of inspiration and other extra goodies (as of yet TBC...but I'm sure I can think of something fun!).
Hopefully, it will be a simple, beautiful way to give a little something back.
I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this. Please comment or reply to the post and I will get back to you.
With love.
Megan xx
I LOVE your posts so much as I am a crafts person too.
Brilliant idea - count me in Megan 🌀